At the Franklin Road Church of Christ we meet together every Sunday to worship God. As Christians, worship to God and bringing honor to His name is the highest priority of our lives. When we worship God we strive to follow the commands and examples that we find in the Bible. That is why we meet on the first day of every week for Bible study, preaching, prayer, singing with voice only, taking the Lord's Supper using a small amount of unleavened bread and grape juice, and taking a free will offering from the members and any visitors who wish to contribute. We have Bible class hours where there is opportunity for group discussions and questions.
The Franklin Road church is always looking for opportunities to share the gospel of Christ. We take pride in our Bible class program on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. We have classes for children and adults and also an active ministry for Deaf people to worship and study in sign language. We often host special events of worship, study, and fellowship specifically targeted for children, men, women and the Deaf.
In addition to worship and classes at the building, ask about home Bible studies that we canbring right to your home. We have videos, study guides, or learn using just the Bible.

Who Is the Church of Christ?
Back in the time of Moses, most people believed in so many gods that when the True God spoke to Moses in a burning bush, Moses asked "What is your name?" (Exodus 3:13) Today,there are so many denominations claiming to be Christians; yet teaching contradictory doctrine, one has to ask the same question, "What is your name?" But since there is only one true God and all the other gods are not real, the true God does not even need a name. He told Moses, tell them "I AM" sent you. (Exodus 3:14) Yes, the true God just is. He is the "I AM". Likewise, Christ established only one church (Ephesians 4: 4-6), so the only name for the church is his own. It is simply Christ's church, or the church of Christ. This is not a name, simply a statement of who we are if we belong to Christ.
So is the Church of Christ just another denomination claiming to be the only right church? That would be true if there was a "Church of Christ" denomination. You see, Christ did not set up a denomination. There were no "head apostles" or "senior pastors". Christ left no chain of command descending from any person or any council. Christ is the only head of the church and he is the head of only one church. Which church? Simply everyone who takes the Bible as the word of God and obeys the plan of salvation as described there. No person or council can add to, subtract from or change in any way the Gospel as laid out in the Bible (Galatians 1:8,9). When Christians get together to worship God and study the Bible, they are a church. Let's leave the denominations behind and just be His church and His children.